Tuesday, May 31, 2011

"閩南語/台語" 的英文是 Taiwanese 嗎?



但我在備課時查閱了英語世界最大最全、14 巨冊的 Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics, Second Edition, 2006 (《語言與語言學百科全書》第二版),讀到台灣語言現狀的專文 (Taiwan: Language Situation),作者是日本關西學院的 Joseph DeChicchis 教授。他在第一段的後三分之一處,似乎跳脫了學術上常見的客觀中性,寫出了隱含個人價值判斷的語句:

Some writers use the word 'Taiwanese' to refer to one of the languages of Taiwan; however, this usage is uninformed at best and chauvinistic at worst. [有些人用 "台語" 來指稱台灣的一種語言。然而,講得好聽一點,這種用法是所知不足,講得難聽一點,就是充滿了沙文主義。]

這個議題很值得探討,絕對是個博士論文的好題目,不同的觀點可能會得出不同的結論。中文的閩南語/台語我先不管,它的英文對應詞為何,我倒是比較感興趣。2011 年 3 月更新的 The Oxford English Dictionary Online (線上版《牛津英語詞典》) 記錄有案的是 Hokkien (為 "福建" 的音譯,英文發音為 [hoʊ 'kin]。按:Hokkien 之於閩南語,是不是跟 Taiwanese 之於台語一樣,也有點沙文?),不過卻查不到 Taiwanese "閩南語/台語" 的這個意思。然而我翻了其他的大型英語詞典,卻發現 Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, Sixth edition (《牛津英語詞典簡編》第六版) 、Random House (《藍登書屋》)、American Heritage (《美國傳統》) 均收有該義。

我 2011 年 5 月 31 下午 2:00 用英文版的 Google 上網搜尋,Hokkien 有 430 萬筆資料,遠遠高出另一個常用的 Southern Min (8 萬筆左右) 和其變體 South Min (2萬筆左右)。

Hokkien 這種說法對我們很多人來說可能有點陌生,但其使用之普遍深入、地位之穩固確立,殆無庸置疑。線上版《牛津英語詞典》的書證,還引用了 2003 年 8 月 10 日《紐約時報》對台灣導演楊德昌電影《一一》的影評:

Sitting through a three-hour movie, in Mandarin and Hokkien with subtitles, seemed more likely a chore than a pleasure.

事實雖然明擺在眼前,但用 Hokkien 來稱呼閩南語/台語,在台灣是個高度政治性的議題,短時間內大概不容易看得到。Taiwanese 雖然也有爭議,不過在這樣的政治氛圍與社會環境之下,或許還是能受到多數人的認可吧!

Hokkien, adj. and n.

Pronunciation: Brit. /həʊ 'kiːn/ , U.S. /hoʊ 'kin/
Forms: 18 Hok-Këèn, 18 Hok-Këen, 18 Hok-Keen, 18 Hokken, 18– Hok-kien, 18– Hokkien, 19– Hokkian.
Etymology: < Amoy hok kian.

A. adj. (attrib.).

1. Of, relating to, or designating a dialect of Southern Min traditionally spoken in south-eastern China, and now one of the major Chinese dialects of Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, and the Philippines. Cf. Min adj.3 and n.5
The northern and southern varieties of Hokkien together with Amoy form the subdialect Xiamen.

1832 W. H. Medhurst (title) A dictionary of the Hok-Këèn dialect of the Chinese language.
1841 J. Legge (title) A lexilogus of the English, Malay, and Chinese languages; comprehending the vernacular idioms of the last in the Hok-Keen and Canton dialects.
1893 R. Wallaschek Primitive Music vi. 185 In the native Hokken (Fo-kieen) pronouncing dictionaries, the Chinese characters are divided into eight classes to correspond with the number of tones.
1952 'Han Suyin' Many-splendoured Thing vii. 178 François shouted encouragement to the fishermen in French, and John Tam translated into Hokkien dialect.
2001 H. Chappell Chinese Grammar iii. 63 Evidence for the verbal origin of this marker can be found in a Spanish manuscript describing the grammar of a Southern Min or Hokkien dialect of the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries.

2. Of, relating to, or designating a member of a Chinese people traditionally inhabiting south-eastern China who speak a dialect of Southern Min, or their culture or cuisine.

1892 Times 8 July 7/6 Mr. Evans calls my attention to the traffic in Hokkien girls brought down and sold as household servants, and fears that they are virtually kept in a state of slavery.
1969 R. C. Bell Board & Table Games II. vi. 105 This popular Hokkien game for four players is played with a set of thirty-two Chinese dominoes.
1993 R. J. Antony et al. Secret Societies Reconsidered iv. 98 The colonial power felt more closely allied to the Hokkien mercantile community than to the Teochew traders and planters.
2004 Evening Standard (Nexis) 12 July 36 Also worth noting are the Nyonya fried rice and the 'hawker' meal-in-a-bowl dishes, such as the Penang Assam Laksa and the Hokkien Prawn Mee soup.

B. n.

1. The Hokkien dialect of Southern Min.

1865 Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. 13 32 The mandarin word..becomes pak in Hok-Këen.
1957 M. Freedman Chinese Family & Marriage in Singapore 9 Of all the so-called Chinese dialects in use in Singapore Hokkien was the most common.
1970 R. Bruce Teach Yourself Cantonese 1 Hokkien is the speech of the Amoy and other places in South Fukien.
2003 N.Y. Times 10 Aug. 7/4 Sitting through a three-hour movie, in Mandarin and Hokkien with subtitles, seemed more likely a chore than a pleasure.

2. A member of the Hokkien people.

1895 Geogr. Jrnl. 3 290 The Chinese [in Singapore] are principally Tinchus or Taichus..; other clans or provinces are represented in the following order: Hokkiens, Kehs, and Macaos.
1927 R. J. H. Sidney In Brit. Malaya Today 144 A Hok-kien and a Teo-chew had a quarrel.
1978 Washington Post (Nexis) 1 Sept. A17, I had to speak Hokkien..because the majority of them were adult Hokkiens.
2003 New Straits Times (Malaysia) 21 Sept. 8 The Hokkiens have always been resourceful and entrepreneurial and since China's changed economic policy, Xiamen is a success story.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

"黑心" 的英文是 black-hearted 嗎?


"黑心" 原本用來比喻人的心腸陰險狠毒,泯沒天良 (參考教育部《重編國語辭典》修訂本),而現在則經常用來描述對人體有害或品質低劣的商品 (參考中文《維基百科》)。後者的這個 "黑心" 明顯是前者語義的引申:因為人心不正,利益當前喪盡天良,所以用一些卑劣不誠實的方法製造商品,矇騙大眾,給消費者的健康與金錢造成損害。

"黑心" 的英文該怎麼說?這個 "黑心" 的新義在中文裡流傳甚廣,卻尚無中文詞典加以收錄,英文裡似乎也找不到一個貼切的對應詞。我在想,借譯 (loan translation) 乃詞彙翻譯常見的策略之一,何不就把這個 "黑心" 直接翻成 black-hearted?

英文裡早有 black-hearted 這種說法,意為 "邪惡的;惡毒的;壞心腸的" [having a wicked disposition; malignant參見《韋氏第三版新國際英語詞典》(Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged, 1961); disposed to doing or wishing evil; malevolent; malicious,參見《藍登書屋英語詞典》第二版 (The Random House Dictionary of the English Dictionary, Second Edition, Unabridged, 1987)]。這個 black-hearted 接近中文 "黑心" 的本義。用黑色的心代表邪惡,中英所見略同。

根據線上版《牛津英語詞典》(The Oxford English Dictionary Online, 2010) 的書證,black-hearted 似乎尚無用來形容商品的前例:
1849 E. B. Eastwick Dry Leaves 175 The *black-hearted gibes of a portion of our English press.
1863 Times 10 Apr., The 'black-hearted traitors' of the North..worse than the 'black-hearted miscreants' of the South.
1872 Rep. Vermont Board Agric. I. 94 A dry, dead knot is left when they [sc. the branches] are cut off, which sometimes kills the center of the tree, making it 'black-hearted'.
1932 A. J. Worrall Eng. Idioms iii. 20 He is a black-hearted villain.

儘管英文裡的 black-hearted 到目前為止似乎尚無與 "黑心商品" 平行的語義引伸,但基於語際互動中借譯的精神,這個不算破格的 black-hearted 確實是個翻譯 "黑心" 的上上之選。

說不定過些時日,線上版《牛津英語詞典》偵測到 black-hearted 的這個新用法,在語料庫裡持續觀察一段時日後發現它穩定確立,就會正式把它收進詞典,另列新義,並在其詞源說明裡標註 "翻譯自中文的黑心"。語言的互動,有誰說得準呢?

Monday, May 23, 2011

2011 年英文學系─語國一方字彙比賽成績公告

上週三中午舉辦了 "2011 年英文學系─語國一方字彙比賽",當天下午我立即就把成績評定出來,送交系辦處理。由於行政作業上的需要,系辦今天處理接近完成,並告訴我可以在《語國一方》逕行公告。

這次的比賽共計 79 人報名,23 人缺席,實際參賽人數為 56 人。由於題目比照 GRE 的水準,理想上是一個美國大學畢業生進入研究所就讀所應具備的字彙程度,因此難度頗高。加上有倒扣,因此成績普遍偏低,然第一名葉宜嘉同學的表現卻鶴立雞群,一枝獨秀,令人讚嘆。另外,獲獎的 12 人中有 5 名非英文系的同學,大一參賽者也有 4 人獲獎,讓身為主辦人的我覺得欣喜。


第一名 英延B 葉宜嘉 獎金 3000 元,獎狀乙紙
第二名 英一B 陳宛妤 獎金 2000 元,獎狀乙紙
第三名 會一A 孫茂中 獎金 1000 元,獎狀乙紙
優良獎 英三C 陳苡涵 獎金 500 元,獎狀乙紙
優良獎 日一B 姚 沂 獎金 500 元,獎狀乙紙
優良獎 經三A 賴冠勳 獎金 500 元,獎狀乙紙
優良獎 英三C 宋芝穎 獎金 500 元,獎狀乙紙
鼓勵獎 英三A 蘇俞文 進口字彙圖書乙冊
鼓勵獎 英四B 魏楚涵 進口字彙圖書乙冊
鼓勵獎 中一A 李家安 進口字彙圖書乙冊
鼓勵獎 英四B 曾耀翰 進口字彙圖書乙冊
鼓勵獎 社四B 張雅淳 進口字彙圖書乙冊

頒獎時間:2011 年 5 月 31 日 (二) 中午 12:30
頒獎地點:第一教學研究大樓,英美文化教室─其銑廳 (R0905)。

Sunday, May 22, 2011



哈,雖然有點令人難為情,但我相信這仍然是一個 "普級" 的話題。



這個小便話題,讓我想到以前在美國讀博時的宿舍經驗。那時單身研究生宿舍有一種 "角間" 的格局,我們台灣人、英國人、法國人三人合住一個角間,各有各的臥房,但共用一間衛浴。不曉得何時開始,我總發現有人小便老是不掀馬桶座 (toilet seat),黃黃的尿液在馬桶座上濺得四處都是,令人痛恨。而我這個想坐馬桶的後使用者,總得咬牙切齒、一遍又一遍地擦到乾淨放心才坐上去。在我的偵查下,後來才發現原來是那個法國人搞的鬼,我當面質問,他竟然一副吊兒啷噹的,覺得沒什麼大不了的,真讓我為之氣結!

聯合報的報導裡,還訪問了一位任職於台灣某學術單位的德國人史蒂芬 (驚!他會不會就是那個我認識的 Stefan?),他說德國男人多數在家都是坐著小便,而且大都源自母親的教導。



Friday, May 20, 2011


東吳的教師研究二樓大門口有一株波羅蜜 (jackfruit),挺拔偉岸,仰之彌高;開花結果,四時更替。

波羅蜜,這個名字總讓我有佛教的聯想。"波羅蜜" 乃 "波羅蜜多" (梵文 Pāramitā) 的簡稱,意為 "由生死的此岸,度人到涅槃的彼岸" (to cross over from this shore of births and deaths to the other shore, or nirvana) [Soothill, W. E. & L. Hodous. 1937. A Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms. London: Kegan Paul]。



Wednesday, May 18, 2011

2011 年英文系─語國一方英文字彙比賽

今天中午 12:30,英文系舉辦了一年一度的 "語國一方字彙比賽",由我出題。題目仿美國 GRE 測驗字彙部分的難度,今將題目公告如下,有興趣的格友不妨抽空做做,試試自己的字彙程度。


答題說明:以下 50 題皆為單選題,請在 4 個選項中,選出與題首單字語義最接近者。題上作答,答案以 A、B、C、D 寫於題目最左邊的空白處。每題 2 分,答錯倒扣 0.5 分。

1. adulation A. admiration B. love affair C. mixture D. liveliness

2. antithesis A. opposite B. misplacement C. disrespect D. healthiness
3. avuncular A. bird-watching B. kind and friendly C. starry D. greedy
4. bellwether A. warning B. climate change C. good old days D. indicator
5. bifurcate A. cooperate B. fight C. divide D. explain
6. bucolic A. monetary B. pastoral C. bad-tempered D. alcohol-drinking
7. castigate A. abandon B. eject C. criticize severely D. cause a scandal
8. commodious A. spacious B. commercial C. furnished D. fashionable
9. compunction A. hopelessness B. summary C. centralization D. guilty feeling
10. countenance A. strike B. face C. holding back D. military maneuver
11. debilitate A. deafen B. eliminate C. weaken D. illuminate
12. desultory A. random B. resolute C. rocketing D. dangerous
13. draconian A. pertaining to ducks B. concise C. ill-fitting D. extremely strict
14. ebullient A. hasty B. happy and excited C. impolite D. firm but gentle
15. elucidate A. coach B. work hard C. clarify D. catch
16. euphemism A. wonder B. religious music C. indirect wording D. good news
17. fastidious A. meticulous B. being on a diet C. on and off D. rational
18. fortuitous A. strong B. happening by chance C. ancient D. step by step
19. gainsay A. deny B. convince C. win by force D. beat around the bush
20. gustatory A. windy B. relating to the sense of taste C. favorable D. justifiable
21. hapless A. dissatisfied B. miscalculated C. noncommittal D. unfortunate
22. hiatus A. arrogance B. depression C. interruption D. obedience
23. itinerant A. traveling from place to place B. other C. selfish D. ready to act
24. irascible A. good-natured B. bad-tempered C. uniform D. complicated
25. juggernaut A. magician B. respectable person C. seaman D. very powerful force
26. lachrymose A. shining bright B. long-winded C. tearful D. angelic
27. limpid A. transparent B. lacking strength C. healthy D. relating to speech
28. magnanimous A. long and boring B. generous C. evil-minded D. calculating
29. miasma A. muscle disease B. egoism C. pleasure D. thick unpleasant air
30. myriad A. wonder B. a long thin little creature C. a large number D. vision
31. nuptial A. just born B. wedding C. sexually attractive D. piecemeal
32. opprobrium A. strong criticism B. suspension C. approval D. proper conduct
33. palpable A. easily noticed B. light-weighted C. ridiculous D. reasonable
34. pecuniary A. relating to money B. trivial C. shouting loudly D. common
35. polemic A. distant B. argument C. directly opposite D. diplomatic answer
36. propensity A. longing B. downward slope C. tendency D. consideration
37. quagmire A. witty talk B. hostility C. tradition D. difficult situation
38. raconteur A. complainer B. go-between C. lobbyist D. story-teller
39. remuneration A. infrastructure B. pay C. backwardness D. enthusiasm
40. rubric A. cleansing B. title C. feeling sorry D. relating to architecture
41. sapient A. sunken B. dripping C. wise D. tree-like
42. sepulchral A. sad and serious B. in a group of seven C. unusual D. decorated
43. supercilious A. overarching B. self-important C. more than needed D. high-born
44. surreptitious A. upward B. yielding C. spoken softly D. done secretly
45. toothsome A. sharp B. advanced in age C. tasty D. gossipy
46. torpor A. extreme heat B. lethargy C. underwater bomb D. monster
47. travail A. long journey B. difficult situation C. utilize D. conquer
48. ungainly A. bankrupt B. not graceful C. futile D. unsuccessful
49. wherewithal A. reason B. method C. place D. money
50. zeitgeist A. newspaper B. vampire C. exact copy D. spirit of the times

Sunday, May 15, 2011

"嘉義=奇埃" 的翻譯傳奇

今天聯合報大幅報導,有旅客搭乘華航班機從印度返台,發現座椅前方小螢幕上的衛星飛航地圖鬧了個大笑話。由於翻譯的錯誤,"嘉義" 竟成了 "奇埃",台灣也因此而憑空冒出了一個聞所未聞的城市 (照片摘自網路)。

這個嘉義→Chiai (威妥瑪拼音)→奇埃 (Chia-i 斷錯字成 Chi-ai,再回譯為奇埃) 的謬誤,據說是機上娛樂系統外包翻譯時所出的問題。

這起烏龍事件立即讓我聯想到自己類似的親身經歷。今年春節期間,我同太太搭乘港龍班機經香港轉南京,前方椅背上小螢幕的衛星飛航地圖竟顯示出一個陌生的城市 "本戈布"。它位於安徽合肥的正北,江蘇南京的西北,而且看起來不是個小地方,讓熟知中國地理的我百思不解。直到螢幕切換成英文,出現了 Bengbu,我才恍然大悟,原來系統把 Beng-bu ("蚌埠" 的拼音) 拆成了 Ben-g-bu,再回譯成 "本戈布"。無中生有之能事,真可與 "奇埃" 相提並論!


Saturday, May 14, 2011



我對電影沒啥研究,就是一個普通的觀眾。當初李安的《臥虎藏龍》(2000) 讓我看得感動掉淚,不是因為裡面的兒女情長,而是武俠片在他手裡竟可以如此唯美無瑕!後來的跟風好似東施效顰,讓人一次比一次失望。

這次我關注的不是電影的內容卡司,而是《武俠》的英文片名 Wu Xia。製作團隊很有勇氣,直接採用了漢語拼音來翻譯 "武俠"。事實上,Wuxia 在 2005 年首度進入英語詞典,廁身《新牛津美語詞典》(The New Oxford American Dictionary) 第二版。然而 2007 年的《牛津英語詞典簡編》(Shorter Oxford English Dictionary) 第六版、2009 年的《牛津英語詞典》(The Oxford English Dictionary) 光碟版均未見收錄,直到 2010 年才又為《英語牛津詞典》(Oxford Dictionary of English) 第三版所收,第一個字母改為小寫,定義略有增修。詳情請見〈"武俠" 的英文就是 wuxia〉。

差不多在同一時間,最大最權威的《牛津英語詞典》(The Oxford English Dictionary) 也在它的線上版收錄了 wuxia。至此,wuxia 作為一個英語詞彙的地位益加穩固。電影《武俠》的譯名,或許可當成將 wuxia 推向世界的巨大助力吧?

wuxia, n.

Pronunciation: Brit. /wuː 'ʃɑː/ , U.S. /wu 'ʃɑ/
Inflections: Plural unchanged.
Forms: 19– wuhsia, 19– wuxia. Also with capital initial.
Etymology: < Chinese wŭxiá (Wade-Giles transcription wu-hsia) genre of Chinese historical fiction (including opera and film) < military, martial (see WUSHU n.) + xiá, skilled and chivalrous wandering martial artist (now only in compounds).

An itinerant swordsman or warrior of ancient China. Freq. attrib., esp. designating a genre of Chinese historical fiction or martial arts films featuring such warriors, who are often depicted as capable of superhuman feats. Hence also simply: this genre of fiction or film.

1963 V. Chu Ta ta, tan Tan i. 7 One of the most popular types of Chinese fiction is the wu hsia stories, in which valiant heroes, often outlaws expert in shadowboxing, help the poor and weak and punish the bullies and powerful.
1981 Amer. Jrnl. Legal Hist. 25 276 In early China, the 'avenger' might have been..what might be called a transferred principal—a friend, hireling, or sometime specialist in the prosecution of revenge (a wuxia).
1998 R. E. Hegel Reading Illustr. Fiction in Late Imperial China ii. 48 That trend coalesces with the conversion of these 'military romances' during the late Qing into wuxia fiction and plays and in the twentieth century into wuxia films.
2000 Internat. Herald-Tribune (Nexis) 11 Oct. 26 The world of the Wuxia—warriors of the Confucian era—is a world apart from society.
2004 Wired Aug. 62/1 Based on the mythical exploits of early swordsmen, wuxia has been a part of Asian cinema since the silent era, but most Westerners got their first taste from Ang Lee's Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


若問什麼是最具中國特色的傳統服裝,我想許多人都同意非旗袍莫屬 (此乃周璇之照片,摘自網路)。

第一次知道旗袍的英文是 cheongsam 時,內心覺得十分困惑,因為 cheongsam 是廣東話 "長衫" 的音譯,而長衫就是長袍,一般是男士穿的,怎麼英文錯把馮京當馬凉,把男用的長衫誤以為是女用的旗袍?不過語言多的是積非成是的例子,只要大家同意,約定俗成實屬常態。

根據最大、最權威的《牛津英語詞典》(The Oxford English Dictionary) 所載,cheongsam 這個字眼大約在 1950 年代首度進入英語。牛津以降,各中大型的英語詞典均有收錄,連規模較小的學習詞典 (learner's dictionary) 也榜上有名:

cheongsam /tʃɒŋˈsæm ˈtʃɔŋˌsɑm/ noun [countable]
a tight silk dress with a high neck, short sleeves, and a SLIT (=long narrow space) on each side by the leg that is worn by Chinese and Indonesian women [按:印尼人也穿嗎?]

Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, Second Edition (2007)

我最近發現,源自國語、以漢語拼音轉寫的 qipao 首度由 2010 年推出的線上版《牛津英語詞典》(The Oxford English Dictionary Online) 所收,所附的 4 條書證 (quotation) 中,有 2 條用的是傳統威妥瑪式 (Wade-Giles) 的 chipao。

至此,旗袍的英文 cheongsam、qipao 共存,若以英語版的 Google 作簡單查證 (2011/5/11 下午 4 點),cheongsam 在數量上仍居上風,有 135 萬筆資料,qipao 尚不及一半,有 57 萬筆,而 chipao 只有微不足道的 4 萬筆。將來 cheongsam 和 qipao 的消長,我們就密切觀察吧。

qipao, n.

Pronunciation: Brit. /'tʃiːpaʊ/ , U.S. /'tʃi paʊ/
Inflections: Plural unchanged, -s.
α. 19– chipao, 19– chi pao, 19– ch'i-p'ao, 19– chi pau.
β. 19– qipao, 19– qi pao.

Etymology: < Chinese qí páo (Wade-Giles transcription ch'i p'ao), lit. 'banner dress' < banner + páo gown.
The dress was so called with reference to the Manchu people who ruled China during the Qing dynasty: they were organized into groups designated by different coloured banners, and consequently the term qí rén ‘bannermen’ became a way to refer to Manchus. The one-piece garment was characteristic of Manchu dress, as distinct from the two-piece styles used by Han Chinese women.

A type of dress traditionally worn by Chinese women, typically having a high mandarin collar, a split skirt, and a fitted bodice with an asymmetrical closure extending from the neck to the right underarm; = CHEONGSAM n.

1965 Washington Post 15 Aug. F4/3 'I knew all about your life here before I even came,' said the Taiwanese, dressed in the dress of Chinese women, the Chipao.
1984 N.Y. Times 30 Jan. A2/3 When she struts about the stage.., her tight-fitting Chinese 'qipao', slit to the hip, flares open to reveal slender legs.
1992 Straits Times (Singapore) (Nexis) 20 Oct. 9 During a break, Madam Fu changes quickly into a navy blue qipao tastefully complemented with a peach apron.
2001 A. Tan Bonesetter's Daughter (2002) 61 Little-girl time, she want my chipao dress, want my melon fruit, want everybody attention.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


前一陣子跟太太走了一趟南門市場,看到一種很特別的蔬菜,菜葉黑綠油亮,簇擁緊緻,扁塌似盤 (照片摘自網路)。太太很興奮,因為那是上海常見的 "塌棵菜",她在台灣第一次見到。

塌棵菜 塌地生長的烏塌菜變種。多層葉密集排列,平展如盤狀,有小八葉、中八葉、大八葉等品種,是中國上海一帶名特產蔬菜之一。 ——《辭海》。上海辭書出版社。2009

我也覺得很興奮,因為我第一次知道它的存在,是從 2007 年出版的 Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, Sixth edition (《牛津英語詞典簡編》第六版)。這本英語詞典首度收錄了源自廣東話的 tatsoi,那時不知所指為何,現在終於一睹廬山真面目。


tatsoi /tat 'sɔɪ/ noun. L20. [ORIGIN Chinese daat-choi, from daat- sink, fall flat + choi vegetable: cf. pak choi.]
A kind of Chinese cabbage, Brassica rapa var. rosularis, with glossy dark green leaves.

2010 年出版的 Oxford Dictionary of English, Third edition (《英語牛津詞典》第三版) 也收錄了tatsoi,內容相仿,Oxford Dictionaries Online (《線上牛津詞典》) 還多收了 8 條例句,可是 2009 年的 The Oxford English Dictionary (《牛津英語詞典》) 光碟版、2010 年的 The Oxford English Dictionary Online (線上版《牛津英語詞典》) 均未見收錄。

1. But the tatsoi type is a better choice because it has much shorter leaf stalks.
2. Start lettuce, arugula and Chinese greens (including tatsoi and mizuna) by mid-October in cold frames (for late winter harvest) and in the ground (for early spring harvest).
3. Asian greens, like Chinese cabbage, boc choi, mequing choi and tatsoi, are a good choice for your third crop type, he says.
4. Harvest celosia, statice, gladiolus, dahlias, collards, mustard, tatsoi, kale, carrots, sweet Williams, zinnia, lilies, chief celosia, arugula, bok choi, mei choi and Chinese cabbage.
5. In the early weeks of the winter share, members receive hardy late-season greens like kale, Brussels sprouts and tatsoi from the fields in addition to storage crops.
6. The spinach, arugula, tatsoi and mache all appeared like green sentinels standing up to Old Man Winter's blanket of white snow.
7. 'Bulls Blood' beet, 'Tokyo Bekena' Chinese cabbage, several varieties of lettuce, 'Red Giant' mustard, sorrel and tatsoi are harvested two to three times.
8. We chose spinach, mache (also called corn salad), arugula, tatsoi and a few other greens to plant.


Monday, May 09, 2011




國語日報社的《新編國語日報辭典》說是 "芥菜等的莖削去皮剩下的可供食用的部分" [按:此定義文句拗口,宜改寫]

北京商務印書館的《現代漢語詞典》定義為 "二年生草本植物,葉寬卵形或橢圓形,花柔嫩,是常見蔬菜"。


上海辭書出版社的《辭海》應該是印刷詞典中最詳盡的了:"菜心" (Brassica campestris ssp. chinensis var. utilis) 即 "菜薹",亦稱 "菜尖"。十字花科。一年生草本 [按:《現代漢語詞典》說是二年生草本,到底孰是孰非?]。葉寬卵圓形或橢圓形,綠或黃綠色,葉緣波狀,基部具裂片或無。葉柄狹長,橫切面為半月形。抽生的花莖 (即菜薹) 橫切面為圓形,綠或黃綠色。生長迅速,抽薹力強。食嫩薹和葉。為中國華南地區的主要蔬菜,周年栽培供應。以廣州所產最為著名。芸薹屬白菜亞種中以食用嫩花薹的一類蔬菜,如油菜薹 (白菜型)、紫菜薹、菜心等也通稱為菜薹 [按:菜心 = 菜薹 = 菜心,此乃循環定義,為詞典學之大忌]

看來,這 "菜心" 似乎分成兩大類,如何翻成英文本來是個難題,想不到剛推出的線上版《牛津英語詞典》(The Oxford English Dictionary Online) 竟以廣東話的音譯 choy sum 將之納為新詞,中文銷給英語的詞彙又增列一條!

《牛津英語詞典》的處理循著《辭海》的脈絡,乍看之下還算到位。菜心,管他是哪一種菜心,從今天起,我們英語就說 choy sum 吧!

choy sum, n.

Pronunciation: Brit. /tʃɔɪ 'sʌm/ , U.S. /tʃɔɪ 'səm/
Forms: 19– choi sam, 19– choisam, 19– choi sum, 19– choisum, 19– choy sam, 19– choysam, 19– choy sum, 19– choysum, 19– tsoi sam, 19– tsoi sum.
Etymology: < Chinese (Cantonese) choi sàm (Meyer-Wempe transcription ts'oi sam) < choi vegetable + sum heart. Compare bok choy n.

A kind of Chinese cabbage, Brassica rapa (Parachinensis group), with soft rounded mild-tasting leaves and small edible yellow flowers. Also (in Chinese cooking): the tender heart and flowering stems of some similar vegetables such as bok choy (Chinensis group), turnip rape (Oleifera group), and spinach mustard (Perviridis group).

1932 W. L. Brosch Travel Trails 23 We must try a dinner of Bow Yee Soup, broiled squab, bawlaw obpin, fuyee choysum, and steamed rice.
1939 Hong Kong Naturalist Aug. 199 The cabbage worm feeds on the leaf of a number of cultivated crucifers such as Choi Sum..(Brassica sp.).
1941 J. N. Milsum & D. H. Grist Veg. Gardening Malaya xii. 122 Choy Sam (Cantonese), Brassica rapa var. Spinach Mustard. The leaf-stalk is long and green surmounted with a rounded leaf-blade which is untoothed.
1963 Jin-Bee Ooi Land, People & Econ. in Malaya Plate 29 (caption) This farm specializes in the production of green, leafy vegetables, mainly choy sam (Brassica chinensis), for the local markets.
1983 N.Y. Times (Nexis) 28 Oct. c1 Along Main Street, you can find such comprehensive Asian markets as Kam Sen..for Chinese vegetables such as bok choy, choi sum and Tianjin cabbage.
1985 R. Fernandez Malaysian Cookery 155 You can use Choy Sum (flower spinach) instead of Chinese cabbage.
2008 S. Fallon Hong Kong & Macau (Lonely Planet) 41 Cantonese people are mad for vegetables, especially greens, and consume great quantities of choy-sam (rape or flowering cabbage).

Saturday, May 07, 2011

砸飯碗:to break a person's rice bowl

中式英語登堂入室,再下一城!2010 年整合後重新推出、定期增補更新的線上版《牛津英語詞典》(The Oxford English Dictionary Online),收錄了 to break a person's rice bowl "砸飯碗"。

中文的 "飯碗" 本義指 "盛飯的碗",俗語裡還可引申為 "賴以謀生的職業"。本義的 "飯碗" (rice bowl)《牛津英語詞典》收錄得早,但引申義的 "飯碗" 直到最近才列身《牛津英語詞典》的殿堂,成為英語詞彙的一員。

rice bowl, n.

Pronunciation: Brit. /'rʌɪs bəʊl/ , U.S. /'raɪs boʊl/
Etymology: < rice n.2 + bowl n.1; in sense 1 partly after Chinese fànwǎn bowl out of which rice is eaten, job, means of living ( < fàn cooked rice + wǎn bowl). With sense 2 compare earlier granary n. b.
In quot. 1853 at sense 1b (to break a person's rice bowl) after early modern Singhala bat-kuma binäyi, but the expression is not otherwise widespread in India.

With sense 1b compare Chinese tiě fànwǎn secure job, lit. 'iron rice bowl', etc.; in to break a person's rice bowl in 20th cent. use after zá fànwǎn to deprive (a person) of the means of living, to dismiss from a job, lit. 'to break the rice bowl'.

a. A bowl out of which rice is eaten.

(Quotations omitted here)

b. fig. Esp. in Asian contexts: a person's livelihood or source of income. Freq. in to break a person's rice bowl: to deprive a person of the means to make a living.

1853 R. S. Hardy tr. Amáwatura in Man. Budhism vii. 271 The tirttaka declared that his rice-bowl was broken, his subsistence gone.
1926 Peabody Jrnl. Educ. 3 198 The honest effort to earn their 'rice bowl'—the Chinese phrase for 'bread and butter'—by tilling the farms.
1952 N.Y. Amsterdam News 12 Jan. 2/2 In the Far East we have a rule that no one has the right to break the other man's rice bowl.
1989 T. Clancy Clear & Present Danger xxix. 619 That was his rice bowl, as the government saying went.
2008 A. C. Clarke & F. Pohl Last Theorem viii. 61 You were breaking his rice bowl, you know. If the guests opened their own Coke bottles, the beverage wallah would be out of a job.

2. An area in which abundant quantities of rice are grown.

(Quotations omitted here)

第 1b 條的定義說得很清楚,rice bowl 的引申義 "生計;收入來源" 為亞洲的用法,常以 to break a person's rice bowl 的型態出現,義為 "剝奪某人賴以謀生的職業"。在詞源解說裡,《牛津英語詞典》更明白指出,to break a person's rice bowl 這條慣用語乃仿自中文的 "砸飯碗"。

詞源解說也提到了中文的 "鐵飯碗",字面義為 iron rice bowl,也就是英語所說的 secure job "穩固的職位"。看來,iron rice bowl "鐵飯碗" 正式受到《牛津英語詞典》的認可,應該是指日可待的了。

Friday, May 06, 2011

"不可以" 的英文是 no can do?!

中式英語 (Chinglish) 再度登堂入室!除了大家耳熟能詳的 long time no see "好久不見" 以及 to lose face "丟臉" 之外,2010 年底新推出的線上版《牛津英語詞典》(The Oxford English Dictionary Online),又收錄了一則跌破大家眼鏡的 no can do,意思是 "不可以;不行"。

根據《牛津英語詞典》的說法,no can do 源自 19 世紀下半頁的洋涇濱英語 (Chinese Pidgin English),現在雖已正式入籍英語,但仍不登大雅之堂,只是個口語的說法,書面語、正式場合不宜。

現在想想,語言間的交流也真有趣。浪漫的義式咖啡 latte,竟以煞風景的黑手中譯 "拿鐵" 盛行於華語圈,long time no see、no can do 這種原本的菜英文,也能在英語圈裡廣為傳誦,歷久不衰。

如此看來,"好好學習,天天向上" 的搞笑翻譯 "Good good study, day day up.",說不定真有那麼扶正的一天。這種重疊形式 good good 或 day day 在英語裡很特殊,在不按常理出牌的網路世界會有什麼樣的反響,我看很難說得準。語言還會有什麼出人意表之作,我們就拭目以待吧!

no can do, phr.

Pronunciation: Brit. /nəʊ kan 'duː/ , U.S. /noʊ kæn 'du/
Etymology: < Chinese Pidgin English no can do ( < no adv.1 + can v.1 + do v.), after Chinese bùkěyǐ (frequently used in the positive-negative cluster kěyǐ-bùkěyǐ, lit. 'is that possible or not?'). Compare can do at can v.1 8c.

The popularity of the expression in Chinese Pidgin English is recorded in the following:
1876 C. G. Leland Pidgin-Eng. Sing-song 11 Can do is a simple expression of ability or power, and is often used as the synonym for yes, while no can do is a favourite negative.


It is not possible, it cannot be done; 'I can't do it.' Cf. can do at can v.1 8c.

1868 W. Chanter Nautch Girl xix. 77 'Lay aloft there, you feller, and lash up that head rope to the yard, sabe!' said the boatswain Speed to a Chinese.‥ 'No can do,' was the response.
1876 C. G. Leland Pidgin-Eng. Sing-song 78 No can do, Hab got too-plenty wata all-inside Top-side he cabin. No can catchee desk.
1892 R. L. Stevenson Beach of Falesá iv, in Illustr. London News 30 July 138/1 No can help you here in Falesá; no can do—too far off.
1914 'Saki' Beasts & Super-beasts 289 Sorry, my dear, no can do.
1923 H. C. Witwer Fighting Blood v. 141 I've tried everything I know to get this gil to fight us and no can do!
1962 'E. Ferrars' Busy Body v. 53 Sorry, no can do—not tonight.
1991 Mod. Railways Apr. 216/2 She asked the Travel Centre at Leicester to replace her Card so that she could get home. No can do, they said.

Thursday, May 05, 2011

ming 中注定貴人相助

數月前,我向圖書館強力薦購 2010 年底剛推出的線上版《牛津英語詞典》(The Oxford English Dictionary Online)。但由於東吳經費編列上的限制,最快要等到下一個會計年度才能採購。圖書館幫我向代理商爭取了近兩個月的試用期,屆滿之後就無法再行登錄查閱,令人扼腕。

昨天語國一方歡度週年慶,我無意中又上了 OED 的網站,想不到首頁上竟出現了個大大的 Welcome back,真讓人喜出望外!我做了些搜尋,一切正常。興奮之餘,趕緊把需要的資料複製下來,儲存到電腦的桌面上,生怕這天上掉下來的禮物只是網路秀斗,曇花一現,系統正常之後煮熟的鴨子馬上就會飛走。


哇,好幸福!有了這個龐大新穎的資料庫,做起研究來更是如虎添翼了,我是不是 "命" 中注定有貴人相助呢?

這套最新版的《牛津英語詞典》,首度把 "命運" 的 "命" (ming) 收入英語,成為英語的新詞之一,雖然此 ming 早在 1937 年就已見諸馮友蘭《中國哲學史》的英譯本了 (A History of Chinese Philosophy, translated by Derk Bodde)。

ming, n.

Pronunciation: Brit. /mɪŋ/ , U.S. /mɪŋ/
Etymology: < Chinese mìng lot, fate, destiny.

Compare earlier compound < Chinese suàn-mìng fortune-telling < suàn to calculate + mìng, in first quot. below translating French Souan Ming:
1736 R. Brookes tr. P. Du Halde Hist. China III. 61 Souan Ming, Telling of Fortunes; the Country is full of a sort of people who pretend to be..reading the Destinies of Mankind.
1805 J. Barrow Trav. in China viii. 325 By being made acquainted with the day and hour of a person's birth, they [sc. fortune-tellers] pretend to cast his nativity, which is called swan-ming, or the art of discovering events by means of numbers.

Fate, destiny; divine providence.

1937 D. Bodde tr. Yu-Lan Fêng Hist. Chinese Philos. iii. 31 A fatalistic T'ien, equivalent to the concept of Fate (ming), a term applied to all those events in human life over which man himself has no control.
1962 E. Snow Other Side of River (1963) xxii. 166 The Communists changed China's ming or fate when they fought ceaselessly during twenty years of hardship before winning power.
1995 Cambr. Dict. Philos. 498/1 In general, ming is what is outside of human control.
1997 Oxf. Dict. World Relig. 643/2 To know ming and to act according to it, without attachment to the success or failure of the action, is an ideal of Confucianism.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011



五年前的今天,我在研究室裡。一陣心血來潮,興起了一股想成立部落格的念頭,便拿起電話,向當時系辦的電腦達人彼得助教求助。在他的幫忙下,我三兩下就 "開博" 成功,讓我這個電腦白癡驚喜萬分。





Monday, May 02, 2011


上週五,英國王室舉行了威廉王子和凱特‧密道頓的世紀婚禮,轟動英國,風靡全球。我沒有全程觀賞,但在電視新聞看到了精彩的片段 (照片摘自網路)。

下面的文章 Wedding Words〈婚禮詞彙〉轉載自 About Words: a blog from Cambridge Dictionaries Online《關於詞彙:劍橋線上詞典部落格》,作者 Kate Woodford 寫於世紀婚禮之前。她巧妙地把許多婚禮常用的英文詞彙串接起來,依此大事寫成文章,值得我們作個主題式的學習。有興趣者請登陸原文網址:http://dictionaryblog.cambridge.org/2011/04/18/wedding-words/

以下之粗體字乃婚禮詞彙,為作者所標,[中文註釋] 由本人提供,僅供參考,歡迎指教。

Wedding Words

April 18, 2011

by Kate Woodford

Friday the 29th of April will witness the long-awaited nuptials [婚禮] of His Royal Highness, Prince William of Wales and Kate Middleton at Westminster Abbey. Over 1,900 wedding guests [婚禮賓客] will observe the couple exchange vows [交換誓言] and rings [戒指] at the Abbey's altar [聖壇] and many millions throughout the world will watch the ceremony [典禮] on screens. With this doubtless splendid occasion in mind, let's take a look at the itinerary for the day and at the same time focus on the many words and phrases associated with a royal wedding.

A rigid protocol [禮儀] governs the order in which the guests [賓客] arrive at the Abbey. The majority of the congregation [會眾] will enter the church between 8.00 and 10.00 am. Members of the royal family [王室] and foreign dignitaries [外國貴賓], however, won't appear till after 10.00 am. As is customary, the royal family will be the last guests to arrive, just moments before the bride [新娘] herself.

At 11.00 am, the bride will make her entrance and the service will start. Four bridesmaids [伴娘] and two pageboys [花童] will accompany Kate down the aisle [走道], as will her maid of honour [女儐相], her sister Philippa Middleton. (Prince William has chosen his brother, Prince Harry, to be his best man [男儐相].) Conducting the service [儀式] will be the Dean of Westminster. The Archbishop [大主教] of Canterbury, meanwhile, will marry [為……主持婚禮] Prince William and Catherine Middleton, and the Bishop of London will give the address [致詞]. Music for the service will, apparently, include a number of well-known hymns [聖詩].

At 12.15 pm the service will end and a procession [隊伍] start to make its way through London, the bride and bridegroom [新郎] seated in the 1902 State Landau (a carriage [馬車] built for King Edward VII and intended for use at his coronation). The procession will proceed to Buckingham Palace where, at 1.25 pm, the newly married couple will make that all-important appearance on the balcony. This will be Prince William's first opportunity to kiss the bride [親吻新娘]. At the Palace, the occasion will be marked with a lunchtime reception [宴會] hosted by the Queen. Later that evening, the Prince of Wales will give a dinner for around 300 guests. Doubtless, glasses [酒杯] will be raised [舉起] to the happy couple and speeches given [致詞].

And finally, since no description of a wedding is complete without mention of the wedding dress [婚紗], let's speculate as to what Kate Middleton will be wearing on the big day [大喜之日]. (Of course, this is a matter of the utmost secrecy. It's rumoured that no fewer than three dresses have been commissioned in case details of one of the gowns leak out to the press.) We assume she will wear a veil [頭紗] of some description and that she will be holding a bouquet [捧花]. Whether her gown [禮服] will be traditional [傳統的] in style, off-the-shoulder [露肩的] or feature a train [拖尾] remains to be seen. What we can confidently predict, however, is that Kate Middleton, future Queen of England, will be a radiant bride [光彩照人的新娘].