Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Oxford Dictionaries Online 二月發佈的新詞 (之二)

Oxford Dictionaries Online《線上牛津詞典》二月底剛公布了一批新詞,數量有 30 個。由於我是訂戶,能夠看到更為詳盡的資料,因此把它整理出來,並採取了詞典學 (lexicography) 上類似 "半雙解" (semi-bilingual) 的作法,只提供詞目 (headword) 的翻譯對應詞 (translation equivalent),在此分批貼出。

這些翻譯對應詞,都是我參考現有資料、自己斟酌推敲的。一己之管見,難免失準,若有高見,歡迎賜教。以下是第二批的 5 個新詞。

6. doctor fish n. a small fish of a kind used in fish pedicures to remove dead or calloused skin (溫泉魚療用的) 溫泉醫生魚: Ho insists the doctor fish have had their fill of thousands of local feet.

7. duathlon /djuːˈaθlɒn, -lən/ n. an athletic contest consisting of running and cycling events (比賽跑步、騎自行車的) 鐵人兩項: Alex came first in the duathlon and second in the triathlon in the age group 16 to 19 years.
[詞源:1980s < 由 duo- 和 triathlon 混成]

8. followee /ˌfɒləʊˈiː/ n. a person who is being tracked on a social networking site (社群網站的) 被關注者: Some people were upset that followers and followees are displayed on your public profile page.

9. food desert n. an urban area in which it is difficult to buy affordable or good-quality fresh food 美食沙漠: Many poor people live in food deserts—where they have plenty of food but none of it healthy.

10. galanthophile /gəˈlanθə(ʊ)fʌɪl/ n. a person who collects snowdrops 雪花蓮收藏家: The anonymous bidder bought the highly prized bulb on eBay, beating competition from other galanthophiles.
[詞源:19 世紀末 (拼法為 galanthophil) < 由 Galanthus (雪花蓮 snowdrop 的分類名:希臘文字根 gal/galakt: 'milk' + anth 'flower') 與 -phile 混成]

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