Friday, March 09, 2012

Oxford Dictionaries Online 二月發佈的新詞 (之一)

Oxford Dictionaries Online《線上牛津詞典》二月底剛公布了一批新詞,數量有 30 個。由於我是訂戶,能夠看到更為詳盡的資料,因此把它整理出來,並採取了詞典學 (lexicography) 上類似 "半雙解" (semi-bilingual) 的作法,只提供詞目 (headword) 的翻譯對應詞 (translation equivalent),在此分批貼出。


1. boofy /ˈbuːfi/
adj. Australian informal
(of a man) unreflective and physically well built or strong, in a way perceived as typically male 肌肉猛男的: He was just a big, boofy bloke with a wide, cocksure grin.
[詞源:1970s < boofhead + -y]

2. bouffy /ˈbuːfi/ adj. (Australian also boofy)
1. (of a person's hair) standing out from the head in a rounded shape (髮型) 成突出圓弧形的: a middle-aged woman with a slightly bouffy bob / Nowadays teenage surfer boys are all sporting boofy hair-dos. 2. (of clothing) puffed out (衣服) 蓬鬆的;鼓鼓的: She wore big boofy skirts and big hair and big accessories.
[詞源:1960s < bouffant + -y]

3. crimeware /ˈkrʌɪmwɛː/ n.
a type of malicious software designed to carry out or facilitate illegal online activity 犯罪軟體: Old-school malware written for glory has given way to a new era of 'crimeware' designed for spamming, data theft, or extortion.

4. cyberchondriac /ˌsʌɪbəˈkɒndrɪak/ n.
a person who compulsively searches the Internet for information about particular real or imagined symptoms of illness 網路郎中;上網自我診斷狂: Everybody is terribly health-conscious these days—it's no surprise that many people are becoming cyberchondriacs.
[詞源:1990s < 由 cyber- 和 hypochondriac 組成]

5. deboss /diːˈbɒs/ vt. (常以過去分詞 debossed 的型態作形容詞使用)
stamp (a design) into the surface of an object so that it is indented; stamp a design into the surface of (an object) 飾以凹雕圖案: a blue awareness bracelet with a debossed logo / The shoulders of the lemon-yellow bottle are debossed with lemons.
[詞源:1930s < 由 de- 和 emboss 組成]


George Chen said...


這裡提到的 crimeware,若以「犯案軟體」或「犯罪軟體」來稱呼,會不會比較貼切?「惡意軟體」似乎比較接近 malware 的語意,目的在破壞電腦系統,或者蒐集用戶上網習慣提供給廣告公司;也有在討論區胡亂張貼廣告或色情訊息的。這些行為未必都違法,卻很不友善,也不符合普遍的電腦使用禮儀。

而 crimeware,比較像是特定人士拿來從事非法網路行為用的,例如,入侵金融機構或購物網站,竊取用戶資料。其行為比較是故意的非法。

曾泰元 said...

謝謝 George 的費心指正。原來的 "惡意軟體" 為誤植,crimeware 應為 "犯罪軟體" 才是。已更正。

Ping said...
