Thursday, May 29, 2014



比賽昨天結束。據指導老師紀澤然(Don Gilleland)從香港傳回來的消息,我們的團隊以民間信仰的媽祖來演繹莎士比亞的《暴風雨》(The Tempest),驚艷全場,獲得評審、友隊的同聲讚嘆,然因受限於主辦單位「不能連續兩年獲得第一名」的潛規則,硬是從第一名被擠了下來,只能拿第二名,令人遺憾。


No rule just don't want to make other teams angry, jealous, feel whatever. Got that from several sources. My team knew this might be the case going into it but they went ahead courageously and hoping that it might not be the case but are joyful in their successes and know what the real outcome was having heard from several sources that don't have to deal with the reaction of whatever force compelled this judgement that our show rocked. How sweet it is.

They were disappointed that the forces wouldn't allow two 1sts in a row, but they forged on and accepted 2nd gracious. They know they are winners and can come home with their heads held high. Even the coach of the winning team from CUHK asked where I got these ideas and people to do it so well. The director of the program said that two seconds and one first since 2009 is a rare achievement.

根據主辦單位所提供的資料,今年比賽有兩岸四地共 39 所大學參加,大會選出 12 支精英隊伍進行決賽,其中包括海南大學、魯東大學、南京大學、東北師範大學、中國人民大學、東吳大學、香港中文大學、清華大學、澳門大學、武漢大學、廈門理工大學及中南財經政法大學。



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