Friday, May 06, 2011

"不可以" 的英文是 no can do?!

中式英語 (Chinglish) 再度登堂入室!除了大家耳熟能詳的 long time no see "好久不見" 以及 to lose face "丟臉" 之外,2010 年底新推出的線上版《牛津英語詞典》(The Oxford English Dictionary Online),又收錄了一則跌破大家眼鏡的 no can do,意思是 "不可以;不行"。

根據《牛津英語詞典》的說法,no can do 源自 19 世紀下半頁的洋涇濱英語 (Chinese Pidgin English),現在雖已正式入籍英語,但仍不登大雅之堂,只是個口語的說法,書面語、正式場合不宜。

現在想想,語言間的交流也真有趣。浪漫的義式咖啡 latte,竟以煞風景的黑手中譯 "拿鐵" 盛行於華語圈,long time no see、no can do 這種原本的菜英文,也能在英語圈裡廣為傳誦,歷久不衰。

如此看來,"好好學習,天天向上" 的搞笑翻譯 "Good good study, day day up.",說不定真有那麼扶正的一天。這種重疊形式 good good 或 day day 在英語裡很特殊,在不按常理出牌的網路世界會有什麼樣的反響,我看很難說得準。語言還會有什麼出人意表之作,我們就拭目以待吧!

no can do, phr.

Pronunciation: Brit. /nəʊ kan 'duː/ , U.S. /noʊ kæn 'du/
Etymology: < Chinese Pidgin English no can do ( < no adv.1 + can v.1 + do v.), after Chinese bùkěyǐ (frequently used in the positive-negative cluster kěyǐ-bùkěyǐ, lit. 'is that possible or not?'). Compare can do at can v.1 8c.

The popularity of the expression in Chinese Pidgin English is recorded in the following:
1876 C. G. Leland Pidgin-Eng. Sing-song 11 Can do is a simple expression of ability or power, and is often used as the synonym for yes, while no can do is a favourite negative.


It is not possible, it cannot be done; 'I can't do it.' Cf. can do at can v.1 8c.

1868 W. Chanter Nautch Girl xix. 77 'Lay aloft there, you feller, and lash up that head rope to the yard, sabe!' said the boatswain Speed to a Chinese.‥ 'No can do,' was the response.
1876 C. G. Leland Pidgin-Eng. Sing-song 78 No can do, Hab got too-plenty wata all-inside Top-side he cabin. No can catchee desk.
1892 R. L. Stevenson Beach of Falesá iv, in Illustr. London News 30 July 138/1 No can help you here in Falesá; no can do—too far off.
1914 'Saki' Beasts & Super-beasts 289 Sorry, my dear, no can do.
1923 H. C. Witwer Fighting Blood v. 141 I've tried everything I know to get this gil to fight us and no can do!
1962 'E. Ferrars' Busy Body v. 53 Sorry, no can do—not tonight.
1991 Mod. Railways Apr. 216/2 She asked the Travel Centre at Leicester to replace her Card so that she could get home. No can do, they said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pidgin English is used by some people in informal conversations, but it is still surprising to know that colloquial expressions can be included in the Oxford English Dictionary…