Wednesday, May 11, 2011


若問什麼是最具中國特色的傳統服裝,我想許多人都同意非旗袍莫屬 (此乃周璇之照片,摘自網路)。

第一次知道旗袍的英文是 cheongsam 時,內心覺得十分困惑,因為 cheongsam 是廣東話 "長衫" 的音譯,而長衫就是長袍,一般是男士穿的,怎麼英文錯把馮京當馬凉,把男用的長衫誤以為是女用的旗袍?不過語言多的是積非成是的例子,只要大家同意,約定俗成實屬常態。

根據最大、最權威的《牛津英語詞典》(The Oxford English Dictionary) 所載,cheongsam 這個字眼大約在 1950 年代首度進入英語。牛津以降,各中大型的英語詞典均有收錄,連規模較小的學習詞典 (learner's dictionary) 也榜上有名:

cheongsam /tʃɒŋˈsæm ˈtʃɔŋˌsɑm/ noun [countable]
a tight silk dress with a high neck, short sleeves, and a SLIT (=long narrow space) on each side by the leg that is worn by Chinese and Indonesian women [按:印尼人也穿嗎?]

Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, Second Edition (2007)

我最近發現,源自國語、以漢語拼音轉寫的 qipao 首度由 2010 年推出的線上版《牛津英語詞典》(The Oxford English Dictionary Online) 所收,所附的 4 條書證 (quotation) 中,有 2 條用的是傳統威妥瑪式 (Wade-Giles) 的 chipao。

至此,旗袍的英文 cheongsam、qipao 共存,若以英語版的 Google 作簡單查證 (2011/5/11 下午 4 點),cheongsam 在數量上仍居上風,有 135 萬筆資料,qipao 尚不及一半,有 57 萬筆,而 chipao 只有微不足道的 4 萬筆。將來 cheongsam 和 qipao 的消長,我們就密切觀察吧。

qipao, n.

Pronunciation: Brit. /'tʃiːpaʊ/ , U.S. /'tʃi paʊ/
Inflections: Plural unchanged, -s.
α. 19– chipao, 19– chi pao, 19– ch'i-p'ao, 19– chi pau.
β. 19– qipao, 19– qi pao.

Etymology: < Chinese qí páo (Wade-Giles transcription ch'i p'ao), lit. 'banner dress' < banner + páo gown.
The dress was so called with reference to the Manchu people who ruled China during the Qing dynasty: they were organized into groups designated by different coloured banners, and consequently the term qí rén ‘bannermen’ became a way to refer to Manchus. The one-piece garment was characteristic of Manchu dress, as distinct from the two-piece styles used by Han Chinese women.

A type of dress traditionally worn by Chinese women, typically having a high mandarin collar, a split skirt, and a fitted bodice with an asymmetrical closure extending from the neck to the right underarm; = CHEONGSAM n.

1965 Washington Post 15 Aug. F4/3 'I knew all about your life here before I even came,' said the Taiwanese, dressed in the dress of Chinese women, the Chipao.
1984 N.Y. Times 30 Jan. A2/3 When she struts about the stage.., her tight-fitting Chinese 'qipao', slit to the hip, flares open to reveal slender legs.
1992 Straits Times (Singapore) (Nexis) 20 Oct. 9 During a break, Madam Fu changes quickly into a navy blue qipao tastefully complemented with a peach apron.
2001 A. Tan Bonesetter's Daughter (2002) 61 Little-girl time, she want my chipao dress, want my melon fruit, want everybody attention.


Anonymous said...

It is good to know how to say cheongsam in English although I found it a bit difficult to remember this word because of its special spelling…In my memory, my friend from Shanghai looked so charming when she dressed in cheongsam. She said to me she would wear cheongsam during the Chinese New Year…In fact, I seldom see people wear cheongsam in Taiwan… maybe I seldom go out !!

Anonymous said...
