Sunday, June 17, 2007


拚英文 拚進多益後段…

【聯合報╱曾泰元/東吳大學英文系副教授(台北市) 2007/06/17】







Anonymous said...

老師好 端午節有沒有和家人們吃吃粽子呢


Anonymous said...

Actually, I am not surprised at all. Lately, I found that students in Taiwan are highly motivated to learn English by tests. They study for higher grades. They are not well-informed of the aim of learning a 'foreign' language, and they are not well aware of language attrition, either. I believe the mojority of Taiwan students studies or learns English as a subject, not as a language. When they are not prompted by any force, they don't learn at all. I once visited a university in mainland China, and I found that they are required to take English class all the way through their undergraduate life. This is a good way to maintain students' interest in learning a language or to turn learning a 'foreign' language into a 'passively formed' habit, regardledd of the teaching methodolgy adopted there. I think this may be the reason why they can take the lead in TOFEL or TOEIC. I am not sure if the teachers there do a good job or if they teach English really effectively. Still, this passively formed habit drives students to study or use English often so that they all become 'hypnotized' into using English or keeping learning English. Maybe students in Taiwan are way too 'aware' or 'alert' that it is hard to get them 'hypnotized' into learning English spontaneously. So, first thing first, teachers may need to try all their best to make their students 'hypnotized'.

曾泰元 said...


天下雜誌這塊台灣雜誌業界的金字招牌,竟然以整本厚達 250 頁的雜誌來探討英語教學、英語學習、以及更廣泛的「英語力」,實在是令人欽佩。我這篇讀者投書(包含了之前其他相關的文章)有很多想法都在這本專刊裡得到了共鳴。時間點、觀點都如此接近,真巧!


Anonymous said...

Mr. Eubin,
Tell me why you had to talk in English? The problem in English education is actually that some people like to talk in English while it is totally unecessary!

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

不懂 為什麼一定要強調學好英文! 追求更專業的知識確實需要英文沒錯 但是 又不是所有的人都要追求更專業的知識 不懂為什麼 英文要是國民教育的一部分 不懂 大家到底知不知道位啥要學英文? 托福多益考差又如何? 日本人托福考的比臺灣人差 有啥差別 人家國家還是比我們強盛 民主又如何 獨裁的新加坡 繁榮富庶 英文要好已經像"民主"一樣 變成 大家都在喊卻根本不知道意義在哪裡的口號...

曾泰元 said...


Anonymous said...

Reply to Eubin
If you know there is a school called New Oriental School you will not surprised at toefl grade in Mainland. :-)